My Name is Klaus Pöllet and I am a "Product Data Management" Expert.
I become a freelancer ten years ago and worked since then as a Software Solution Architect and Software Developer.

In the last 20 years I have been specialised to PTC Windchill Products.
  • I am a software solution architect. I help design and develop software solutions. I also help other people, such as programmers and system administrators, to use the software I have designed. My job involves researching the best solution for the problem at hand, then designing and implementing the solution. Often, this means developing new applications from scratch. Other times it means modifying existing systems to improve them. I participate in every stage of a project's development, from early research and feasibility studies through implementation and testing to training and support.

  • As a software developer, my job is to help design and code new solutions. However, I am also responsible for training the people who will use those solutions – for example, by teaching them how to use the new software or demonstrating how to perform a particular task in the new system. When a new application is developed, I will often work directly with users to find out what they need and how best they can achieve their goals. I work with teams of developers and IT staff to test and improve the applications once they are completed. I also monitor and evaluate the new software once it has been deployed to make sure it is working as expected. This helps to avoid problems in the future.